How to Refer a Patient
Patients can be referred to Lifeart by
Fax: 204.334.0839
Phone: 204.334.1206
Please include the following information:
Patient name & contact information
Patient Date of Birth
Type of Injury
Date of last surgery
Manitoba Health # or WCB Claim # (if applicable)
Photographs of the affected area (if available)
The following organizations may provide funding for custom body prosthetics. Prior approval is required before the process can begin.
Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
Manitoba Health
Blue Cross Manitoba
War Amputations of Canada
Manitoba Public Insurance
Veterans Affairs
Private Insurance
General Information: Finger Prosthetics
Wait at least 4 weeks after last surgery to schedule an appointment
The residual finger and/or hand should be well healed
The residual finger should be wrapped with “Coban”, tape to shape and reduce size
Gel caps & compression gloves can provide protection and coverage for the residual fingers
For a finger prosthesis, the residual finger should be 1.5 cm in length to obtain a suction fit
If the residual finger is shorter than 1.5 cm, alternative suspension methods will be needed (adhesives, rings or gloves may be used)
Designing & fabricating a finger prosthesis usually takes 3-4 appointments
In some cases, we will do a distance- fitting, which requires minimal or no travel
Acrylic & silicone nails are available
Non-acetone remover should be used to remove nail polish
Repairs can often be done, when, and only if the prosthetist is notified early
Silicone Finger Prosthetics
Provide FUNCTIONAL restoration
Improves prehension & grip
Restores length of finger
Restores cosmetic appearance
Offers protection for the affected area
Do not burn or stain
Hygienic & comfortable
Can usually be repaired if damaged
Will last from 1- 4 years depending upon use