Advice from Women Who Know
Here is some advice from women who have been on their own Cancer Journey. "Hug Often." "You are whole and beautiful just as you are." "Your feelings matter." "Be Gentle and patient with yourself." "There is no wrong way to handle a health crisis." "It's okay to be sad, fearful, inappropriate, or weird for as long as you want." "Healing takes time." "Take the time YOU need." "Butterflies are always changing." "Have a Cup of Tea, with a friend." "Puppies and Kittens; Enough said." "You are not alone." "Stretch everyday." "Embrace your changing body." "Laughter is good." "Dance like nobody is watching." Here are some things you should take into consideration. If you are not up to doing your own research, ask a tech savvy friend or family member to do it for you; Knowledge is power. Be sure to claim extra costs on your income tax return. Also check with your private insurer to see if there is any additional coverage for medical expenses. Be ready for change; your body has been through a lot. There is more change to come as you continue to heal and of course there is "The Natural Aging Process." It's okay, just know that it will happen. If you are concerned see your doctor for advice. Music is a magical mood enhancer. It can make you feel relaxed, happy, and invigorated. Put on the tunes for an instant boost. Find the support you need with those you trust. It may be a family member, a peer group, a friend, or a psychologist. When you find that special person or group, don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help. Make time for what you love. Reading, sports, playing with children, crafts, walking the dog, or meditation; Schedule time for what you love. Pets and Furry Friends can lower blood pressure and put a smile on your face. If you don't have pets visit a friend who has one.